Double Your LOVE & Your Donations!
Help Farm Share & The ASPCA

Help Farm Share & The ASPCA
Pets have been a constant companion to a lot of the Floridians we serve on a daily basis. The team at Farm Share began to collect stories of families during and after the pandemic peek times telling us how these families did not have enough money for pet food and how they had a hard time taking care of their pets. The ASPCA of the pet owners' economic issues. Both organizations got together to impact this issue together!!
Why is Farm Share getting involved in pet food? Great question! We have typically dealt in food for people in need only. However, as we worked through the pandemic we noticed what a huge traumatic event it was to go through the stress of being economically challenged and to have to say goodbye to a beloved pet, at times after having lost a loved one to the pandemic. When a parent has to explain to their children that they do not have enough money to pay bills and to eat, it is twice as hard to have to struggle to take care of the family pet. Help us make sure that those families who are food insecure, have a fighting chance to keep their pets at home with them where they belong. Pets are a part of our families and Farm Share serves families.
Farm Share needs the help of those individuals who have been fortunate enough to have extra money to give and to help those Floridians who are struggling. This is your opportunity to make a difference in someone's life and to help two organizations who are doing everything they can to help pet families stay home safe and healthy and always together. Donate below today!!